About Hera McLeod
Motivational speaker • Author • Consultant • Professional trainer

Hera McLeod is a Washington, DC-based writer, speaker, and civil rights activist. She is known for speaking out against the silence, particularly on the topics of civil rights for women and children, domestic violence, and Family Court reform. She was a 2017 Jack Straw Writing Fellow, and has published OpEd pieces in The Washington Post, The Seattle Times, and The New York Times. Hera has made several television appearances to include The Today Show, The Tony Danza Show, Crime Watch Daily, and DC news affiliates for CBS, ABC, and Fox. Her story was also highlighted on an episode of Discovery + Citizen PI series. In addition to television appearances, Hera has also testified before the United States Congress on the topics of civil rights and the protection of children. She testified in front of the Maryland Family Court Reform working group as well as Maryland Legislators. Her participation helped lead to the passage of legislation in Maryland for Judicial education on the topic of Child Abuse and Domestic Violence. Hera is a former a co-host on The Mocha Single Mothers by Choice (SMC) Podcast and now co-hosts the Seeking Different podcast with her young daughter. Read more about Hera's story on her blog archive.
Published Work
My Son's Father Killed Him for Insurance Money. Full Justice Hasn't been Served. (Washington Post)
Create culture of inclusion if you want true workplace diversity (The Seattle Times)
The Other Wounded Warriors (The New York Times)
The time for federal legislation to reform family court is now (The Washington Post)
Jack Straw Podcast (Includes interview with curator Jourdan Keith about the writing process and an excerpt from my book)
News Reports
This was the first article that was written about my son Prince (as the article refers to him - Prince McLeod Rams). This editorial raises a lot of questions about what happened in both Prince William County, VA, and Montgomery County, MD. I hope it makes those who had a hand in what happened to my son take a second look at their own behavior and how they may have contributed to this terrible tragedy:
Death of a toddler raises questions in Montgomery, Pr. William
The Associated Press report on this case. Several news outlets have picked this up, but this appears to be the complete report:
Toddler's death prompts review of 2 other deaths
Fox Local news was the first to run a television story about Prince:
Child's death raises questions about 2 other deaths
News of the arrest
Montgomery Court System Failed Prince McLeod Rams
Manassas Man is charged with murder in alleged drowning of his 16 month old son
Joaquin Rams arrested for allegedly killing Prince McLeod Rams
Va. Father, Joaquin Rams, charged with toddler's murder
Virginia Father Charged With Toddler's Murder (NBC NEWS CLIP)
Manassas Dad Took 560K Policy on Toddler Before Death
The Conviction
Virginia Man Guilty of Capital Murder (Washington Post)
Manassas Father Convicted of Capital Murder in Toddler Death (Faquier Times)
Man gets life without parole for killing son for insurance (New York Times - AP)
HuffPost Perspectives | Why I Chose to Be a Single Parent

Crime Watch Daily | Three Part Video Series
Congressional Hearing
