Choose Love Over Hate

  “Behold, children are a gift of the LORD; The fruit of the womb is a reward.”  – Psalm 127:3   Almost a year ago, my daughter was born.  I fell in love with her from the moment I knew she existed.  Every time I saw her on the sonogram (usually in the middle of her…

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A Miscarriage Of Justice

A couple of months before my son Prince was murdered, another little boy was killed just miles away from where Prince died in Manassas, VA.  His name was Elijah Nealey.  Elijah was only 23 months old when his monster of a babysitter, Jessica Fraraccio, killed him.  Fraraccio had been frustrated because Elijah was crying.  So frustrated…

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The Child Of A Football Player

In the past week, many of you have likely heard about the murder of Adrian Peterson’s two year old son.  Though the brutal murder of this innocent toddler should have made headlines regardless of who his father was, the fact that his father plays for the Minnesota Vikings became a center piece for the story.…

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Rest In Peace Shawn Katrina Mason

On March 19, 2003 Shawn Katrina Mason was murdered in her Manassas, VA condominium.  Shawn had been attempting to move on with her life despite the violent relationship she had with her son’s father.  Just days after her murder, Shawn was due in family court to finalize a custody agreement with Lucifer for their young…

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Justice for baby Prince

“True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice.” – Martin Luther King Jr. Over the past two years, there have been many moments in which I have been ashamed of my country.  I grew up believing that if I was an honest person, who worked hard to positively…

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