Screaming at the top of my lungs

Today I spent most of my day on a plane traveling.  Looking out at the clouds, my thoughts were a reflection of how my mind is racing in a million directions.  I wondered how my son was doing in heaven, if he was mad at me for not fighting hard enough to protect him, whether…

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Spicy Cucumber Margarita

I met up with a good friend of mine last night.  It was another moment when I had forgotten that not everyone knows Prince passed away.  As I began talking to him as if he knew, I slowly watched shock and horror come over his face.  It’s times like these when I am able to…

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Karma is an Angry, Scorned Woman – Watch out Psychopath

Tonight I received a letter from a woman who reads my blog.  She told me that she has been in a Custody War with her psychopath ex for eight years.  She has been through countless hearings and has suffered from both physical abuse at the hands of the psychopath and legal abuse from the courts.…

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Society Blames the Victim Instead of the Psychopath

I am not sure why I am still shocked when people choose to blame the psychopath’s victim.  I have heard that this is normal from others who have suffered from an encounter with psychopath, but I still get a shock each time it happens to me.  From friends, to family, to the courts, to complete…

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