The Grief Process
I have heard people tell me that when grieving for someone you love, you have to take it one day at a time. Today, I was trying to take it one second or minute at a time. Some people might wonder why I am still writing through all of this tragedy, but to me its…
Read MoreKarma is an Angry, Scorned Woman – Watch out Psychopath
Tonight I received a letter from a woman who reads my blog. She told me that she has been in a Custody War with her psychopath ex for eight years. She has been through countless hearings and has suffered from both physical abuse at the hands of the psychopath and legal abuse from the courts.…
Read MoreSociety Blames the Victim Instead of the Psychopath
I am not sure why I am still shocked when people choose to blame the psychopath’s victim. I have heard that this is normal from others who have suffered from an encounter with psychopath, but I still get a shock each time it happens to me. From friends, to family, to the courts, to complete…
Read MorePsychopaths Create Smoke and Clouds in Court and in Life
During one of the Custody Battles in the Custody War with Luc (my spath ex), the judge said, “There is a lot of smoke in this case and a lot of clouds…and its clouding my vision horribly.” The judge went on to note that Luc hadn’t presented any evidence indicating who he was and all…
Read MoreI want to walk off into the sunset…without the Psycopath
Tomorrow my son will have to endure another full day with Luc (the ex spath). I wish I could say it gets easier, but it really doesn’t. I don’t think it will ever be easy turning my innocent little baby boy over to a man who I know is such a terrible monster. Every day…
Read MoreFamily Court Theatre Presents: The Psychopath as “The Man Who Never Was”
Since the last round of my “Custody War” with Luc (my ex psychopath), I have thought a lot about the flaws in our legal system. I run the events of the trials (“battles”) over and over in my head. I still can’t understand how such a disordered man like my ex can be allowed to…
Read MoreStarbucks Father: The Way Court Ordered Visitation Should Look?
The other day, my mother told me a story about a wonderful scene she saw while buying a drink at a local Starbucks. She said there was this man with his eight year old son playing chess. They each had their specialty drinks and the man was patiently teaching his young son about the game…
Read MoreMore Advice for those in a Custody War…
A woman sent me an email today asking for advice in her custody case. I won’t mention her name as I don’t want to blow her identity; however, she had some great questions. She has been fighting her psycho ex for two years and they are just getting to their custody trial (in a couple…
Read MoreDating…AFTER a relationship with a psychopath
Today I went on a “mini date” of sorts (that means we just grabbed coffee in the middle of the day). Dating as a single mom has proven to be more difficult than I thought. Up until a few weeks ago, I wasn’t even thinking about dating – ever. I recently realized, however, that the best…
Read MoreFamily Law: A Psychopaths Playground for Legally Sanctioned Abuse
As a young child, my parents always called me the “party police”. I was the good girl who never liked to see people breaking the rules. I never smoked, never drank underage, never did drugs, and never stole anything. I grew up believing in justice and always believed that the courts and the police would…
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